musica reanimata – Gesprächskonzert

Die Komponistin Henriette Bosmans (1895-1952)

She was a world-class pianist and celebrated international success as a composer. In 1929, her Concertino for piano and orchestra was performed at the VII World Music Days in Geneva. She composed numerous chamber music works until 1935. After the invasion of the German Wehrmacht in 1940, Henriëtte Bosmans was allowed to continue performing as a pianist until 1942, when the National Socialists also banned her from performing and working. For a while, she was still able to earn a meagre income from illegal house concerts. Risking her life, she joined a resistance movement. She only began to compose again after the end of the war. Works for violin, violoncello and piano by Henriëtte Bosmans and a composition by the Dutch composer Rosy Wertheim, who was also ostracized, will be performed. Bettina Brand talks to flautist Eleonore Pameijer, artistic director of the Leo Smit Foundation Amsterdam, a foundation for the rediscovery of composers persecuted by the Nazis.

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